A week out and it’s clear that sometimes one needs to take a step back and see where they are from a few miles away. In this case 535 miles from home.
A stop at Cape Blanco State Park for a review on what we need and how things are working so far revealed exactly what we expected. Even just 45 miles from home, and at our favorite campground we are not at home in our own bed, close but still not there.
An overnight stay along the Columbia River in a nice little town called Cascade Locks was quiet and peaceful. However, we are working our way out of Oregon and headed east.

Charbonneau Park in Washington on Lake Sacajawea is a calming place where several people who have come by to ask questions and comment on our tow rig all seem to know where Gold Beach Oregon is located. Most have visited there. Seems every place we have stopped when people ask where we are from, they all know of Gold Beach.
This gives us a prime opportunity to “talk up” our hometown, promote it with ease to those who ask and the others who have never visited the city on the Rogue.
We talk about our favorite place to dine like the Port Hole Café. The great river salmon fishing, with a seasoned guide like Tyson Crumley or one of the legendary ‘old-timers’. The ocean fishing for lingcod and rockfish with Five Star Charters.
We have so much at home in Gold Beach and this adventure points out just what Gold Beach has to offer. Though every town has positives and negatives, keep this in mind the next time you look out on the Pacific Ocean.
Ninety percent of those living in the United States are more than a day’s drive from the ocean. We appreciate the natural, scenic beauty. Even if it is not from home.
“It is of no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry.” Nikolai Gogol 1836
Guest Author: EsQue