Gold Beach Beaches: Nesika Beach Oregon
Nesika Beach is located north of Gold Beach, starting perhaps 5 miles north of Gold Beach and going north possibly 10 miles or more to Frankport. The easiest access point is the viewpoint that pulls off Highway 101 to the west. In the image below it would be at about the (top) Nesika Beach text. This viewpoint offers immediate access to Nesika Beach. The sand comes right up to the parking lot. From this beach you will be able to see whales (in season), watch surfers (in season), walk or jog at any time of year, collect beach treasures, photograph, and relax.
The air that comes off of the ocean at Nesika Beach is just as clean as the air on Meyers Beach, South Beach, and Bailey Beach. It is about the purest that air can get. And the beaches are spotless and clean and for some strange reason uncrowded.
The image above shows the southern half of Nesika Beach, which continues north to Frankport which has a sea cavern running through it.

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