Gold Beach Scenic Drive: Carpenterville Road Loop
A scenic drive from Gold Beach
Trip Length: 2-4 hours, about 75 miles round trip.
Trip Highlights: Drive Historic Carpenterville Road.
Look down from up high.
Stop at Meyers Beach if you like.
Map at bottom of page
This is an exhilarating drive that some of us who live here enjoy occasionally. Others of us live up on Carpenterville Road. And occasionally when Highway 101 is blocked by a slide or something all of us drive Carpenterville Road from Pistol River to Brookings.
The red line on this image is not exact. I cannot see the road in the photograph…but the red line does represent the ride. Basically the road is inland and high enough that it does not have to travel too far into any one valley…rather it is above the valleys.
This is a beautiful trip…one that you must take if you are truly to appreciate this wonderful coastal area.
Allow 2-4 hours for the trip…consider taking a picnic with you to eat on the coast after you have come down off of Carpenterville Road.
Directions from Gold Beach: Travel south on Highway 101 past Cape Sebastian, past Meyers Beach, and cross over Pistol River. Then start watching for the next turn to your left.
Turn left off of Highway 101 and then turn right onto Pistol River Loop Road. Travel south and you will soon find yourself on Carpenterville Road.
I won’t narrate this trip for you. Everyone in the car will see something different. It is a slow trip…a lazy trip…a “don’t go on Carpenterville Road if you are in hurry” kind of trip. Take a camera and binoculars with you. If someone pulls up behind you and wants to pass…pull over and let them. This is a pleasure trip…a voyage of discovery on America’s Wild Rivers Coast between Pistol River and Brookings.
You will come off of Carpenterville Road at South Coast Lumber and Highway 101.
Important Decision: You need to decide whether you want to go to Harris Beach or to Meyers Beach. The difference: Harris Beach will be crowded, is closer, and has restrooms. Meyers Beach is back toward Gold Beach…about 15 minutes. It won’t be crowded.
Important Intersection: When you get to Highway 101 you must decide to turn right or left. Left takes you to Brookings and right will bring you back to Gold Beach. To complicate matters Harris Beach is only about a mile further to the south. I recommend that you turn left and drive to Harris Beach. Get out of your car…walk around…go down on the beach…perhaps eat your lunch at Harris Beach.
Then make your way back to Gold Beach with a stop at Meyers Beach. Gold Beach is about 25 miles north. You will drive some of the most beautiful coast in the world. Meyers Beach is midway…a beautiful beach with excellent access. There is a good chance that you will see one or more wind surfers offshore from Meyers Beach. You can also stop at Cape Sebastian on your way back to Gold Beach.
When you have driven the Carpenterville Loop you will have seen some of real rural Oregon. Pretty nice, huh?

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