Since the onset of COVID-19, the world has seen technical opportunities like never before including distance healthcare, learning, and online service providers. We’ve noted that our clients are requiring fewer in-person services. This trend has prompted us to change how we will offer our services in the summer of 2021. Beginning in June, OurWebmaster will not maintain an office in Gold Beach, Oregon but will be serving our customers primarily by telephone, email, video conferencing, and SMS/Text. We will take the opportunity to visit out-of-state clients in other parts of the country – Colorado, South Dakota, Louisiana, Texas, Washington, Arizona, and beyond. During this time, we encourage you to reach out with ANY online needs. We will be extending our technical portfolio during this time and hope to expand our offerings even more.

So, we started our summer 2021 adventure with one last visit to our friends and neighbors. We have had some great dinners and lots of questions about our new rig. The questions vary from:
- why we bought this type of truck and fifth wheel?
- is there room for a ‘traveling’ office?
- what are your plans?
- where we are going first?
We are also grateful to one of our long-time clients, Gold Beach Refrigeration & Heating, for providing us with a great meal of BBQ ribs with all the fixin’s as a ‘final’ meal before we set out for the summer. Mike was also kind enough to loan us a vehicle for the final few days as we set up our new truck and had many errands to run. Thank you.
Our plans are to keep our clients and friends updated with blog posts here on as to where we are, what we have seen, who we have met that made an impression, and all things eventful.

Home is the only place you can go out and in. There are places you can go into, and places you can go out of, but the one place, if you do but find it, where you may go out and in both, is home.
We are Blessed to call Gold Beach, Oregon our home. We are also Blessed to be able to travel freely and meet, in person with so many of our clients, no matter where they reside and conduct their business.
Guest Author: EsQue