Myrtle Tree Trail

Gold Beach Hiking: Myrtle Tree Trail

The Myrtle Tree Trail explores one of the few old-growth groves of these unique and rare trees that only grow in southwest Oregon, northwest California and Israel. Emerald tree branches stretch and twist into a canopy dripping with the pungent smell of fresh bay leaves – reminiscent of Eucalyptus. This Oregon forest full of old-growth myrtle trees is a truly unique experience.

The trail is very short, at less than a half-mile, making it a great spot for parents with young children.

This tree is one of the world’s largest known myrtle trees: it is approximately 88 feet tall, 42 feet in circumference, and its canopy is nearly 70 feet wide.

Directions: Follow U.S. Highway 101 to the Rogue River bridge. On the south side of the river, follow Jerry’s Flat Road approximately 10 miles upriver. Just beyond the Lobster Creek Campground, turn left across the one-lane Lobster Creek bridge. Immediately off the bridge, turn right onto Forest Service Road 3533. Follow this gravel road a short distance to the trailhead and small parking pullout.