Winter is fast approaching. In the mid-west, the leaves on the trees are red. Some have turned yellow. In the days to come, they will begin to fall to the ground. The branches will be left barren. Frost will soon cover those leaves and then comes the white frosting called snow.
Along the west coast, the winds and rain will increase. Any leaf that has fallen from its perch will find itself north, closer to Salem.
The wind itself will have blown most of the tourist traffic away with it as well. Some north, some south. Leaving only the seasoned traveler. Those too without kids will linger. No job to attend to, no need to hurry home.
For many travelers to Gold Beach, the funny thing about being retired is that it is much like being unemployed. When you wake up in the morning, you are on the job.
Traffic will lighten, the residence will breathe a sigh as they step back from the hustle to gather their wits and enjoy the moment.

However, a question arises, what did you learn from this summer’s events?
- Were you prepared?
- Did you foresee the outcome?
- What could you have done better?
- Will you put together a plan of action for next year?
- Will next year, the next tourist season catch you off guard and unprepared?
Most will leave that until the last minute. In their daily lives, they have so much to do. Kids, school, holidays, and family. Why is that?
Gold Beach is not the big city. The hectic pace of getting to work for most is having to wait for one or two stoplights. The chances are slim that road construction will slow us by more than a minute or so. Isn’t that one of the reasons that many of us chose Gold Beach (or this area) to live?
The slower pace, the time for outdoor activities, no rushing to get somewhere.
Why wait until the last minute to plan for next summer? Spread that hurried pace out, make it easy on yourself and take it easy on yourself.

Visiting farm country has shown us that we need to take time for ourselves and others. They are able to slow down and see others, others in need.
We have met many who want to stop and talk. “Where ya from?” “Where ya goin’?” “You ought to try this place or that.” “Eat here at this café.” “Come to church with us.” “Nice rig. Why did you choose that one?”
These folks are taking life on a better pace, a slower pace. Small-town thinking, small-town enjoyment, small-town lifestyle.
Gold Beach needs to remember this. It is not just the scenery, the mountains, and the ocean that draws people to our hometown, but it is the pace we set. To us, it is crazy with all the tourists in town during our summer season. To them, it is a slower pace, less traffic, less hustle.
Perhaps that is something that could be marketed along with the area we live in. Small town America has many advantages that big cities have lost.
I have a small-town soul. It makes me want to know wee, unimportant things about the folks that go past on swift journeying.
V.A. Storey
Take time to enjoy what you have. Summer and the tourists will be here before you know it.
Guest Author: EsQue