Sitting in a camping chair along the Salmon River north of Salmon Idaho, with the river just five steps from our front door is relaxing and the time off from the road allows us to work or to enjoy a different view than the one we have in Gold Beach.
Instead of ocean, cool air, and the salty smell in the air, we are enjoying the heat, the smell of pine trees, and the occasional rain shower with its own unique aroma.
We saw a sign when we left Gold Beach on this adventure. It stated the facts clearly. Facts that pertain to all sorts of facets in life. Here on the road, though still connected to customers, clients, and friends we have seen a different point of view on the world we live in.
Here are just a few things that stands out. Other places have trouble hiring workers. Signs a plenty stating ‘Help Wanted’ or ‘Now Hiring’ on almost every business no matter the size of the town. Lots of campaign signs that state preferences still adorn the roads, farms, and flag poles. Mostly in small very rural towns where all the citizens are of the same mindset. Not a political mindset but the drive and need to survive, raise children, live a lifestyle where family and friends are important.
But as diverse as the world is today there is one very small group of people who stand out to us the most. One such person we have never met, only spoken to on the phone, by text or email. Henry, even though he lives on the east coast of Florida was ready and willing to diagnose a problem we were having with our fifth wheel hitch. He had invented the hitch but sold the company a few years ago. When we called Henry to ask who we could contact to help us, he volunteered to talk us through the problem. He was precise to the eighth of an inch. Perfection was the only acceptable outcome.
Another such person was Aaron. When our new fridge in our 2021 Fifth Wheel was loaded up with ice cream and steak it decided to go out. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Aaron came over to diagnose the problem, spent an hour in the hot sun, and solved our problem. Friendly and eager to come back if we had any further problems. He and his wife Tina along with their Great Dane Maggie, were great to have as next-door neighbors at the HDT Rally in Caldwell Idaho for over a week. You should check out their YouTube channel, it is called, JonesN2travel. Lots of travel stories from these wonderful people.
In Caldwell at the rally there were over 105 people with almost 50 large trucks that had been converted to haul fifth wheel travel trailers. Cops, ex-cops, retired military, heavy equipment operators, women, seniors, retirees, full time RV’rs, and people who wanted to learn about, view, and test drive a Heavy Duty Truck (HDT). There were seminars on solar, first aid, fire suppression, staying connected with WiFi while on the road. There were lots of things to do, including everyone getting together at the end of each day to discuss the day and week we had.
When we left Caldwell and the rally, we felt as if we had made new friends, but it also felt like we were leaving friends behind. We learned, we shared, we discovered. But our first overnight stop we met someone who is rare in this world. Stigr is a man who has the world in his hand, by that I mean he knows his priorities, the simple life with an enjoyment for all he meets as long as you follow simple, honest rules. Don’t feed his dog because of its food allergies. Clean up after yourself, respect others. Unfriendly folk are requested to camp next door at a KOA. If you want to plant a tree in the memorial grove to a pet that you love or have lost, Stigr is fine with that. After all he calls his place, Honeys Park, Dry, Dusty, Bumpy, Rarely Level Field, FREE Campground and Dog Memorial.
Yes free, free electrical, free WiFi, no charge to camp or park for a day or two as long as you follow his simple rules. Free with conversation. Free to make his corner, his spot in the world a better place, even in Arco Idaho.
The local RV parks along 101 in Curry County may offer more, more scenic, more amenities, and definitely more rules, but then they charge MORE.

This week’s stop is at a longtime friend’s place along the Salmon River. Those of you who have lived in Gold Beach for any length of time will remember Dante. He owned Rogue Sportsman Realty, he coached girls’ volleyball, he attended Calvary Chapel, etc., etc. He and his lovely wife Connie have built a new home after moving away a few years ago and they invited us to stay with them at their new home.
We were told we could park our rig just ten feet from the edge of the Salmon River that runs through their front yard. Dante brought us a portable generator for power. Had us up to the house for a steak BBQ. Loaned us his Jeep to tour around the roads and scenic trails. Shared fellowship with us as if we were still neighbors in Gold Beach, even though all of us are miles away from the coast. By the way, he is still coaching girls’ volleyball and giving back to the small community he lives in.
All of these people I have mentioned and even a couple more we have interacted with in the last few weeks have one thing in common. Even in this diverse world and diverse places where we live. That one thing is explained by the sign we saw when we left Gold Beach. That sign read:
“You change the world by your actions, not by your opinion.”
All have given freely, without hesitation. All of these people are making the world a better place, one action, one interaction at a time.
Guest Author: EsQue